Daily Logs

I almost burnt out, today was hotter than before and my clothes too thick, I am planning to bring out face wash or towel tomorrow.

It was planned for measuring to mr sumit project tomorrow.

-Bring nicer, cooler clothes

-Bring refresher pack

-Prepare clothes, meteran, and stuff

Today I refill my gasoline, my mood is not very good, ladyboss back at it with her high tone talking again. My grandma stayed at hospital because of stroke symptoms.

I need to look for doctor to get my teeth pulled.

I always keep it in my head I need to do more, more, more, but I kept stumbling in my steps.

I always kept it in my head that progressing is everything, and that I haven’t fulfill my role wholly.

Time is always lacking and energy is somehow always depleted. I wanted to do much.

But priorities are priorities and discipline is key of success I have yet to master.

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